Agneta Nyholm Winqvist, (Sweden)
Earth healing and Space Clearing Ceremonies in
The Forbidden City
Can Space Clearing and Earth healing be needed
in the (Feng Shui perfect) Forbidden City in Beijing?
Author and Founder of the Nordic School of Feng Shui, Agneta Nyholm
Winqvist, will in her speech tell you about her remarkable experiences
from Earthhealing/Space Clearing in general and specifically about
the almost mind-blowing effects she experienced, as she together with
a small group of Feng Shui consultants and performed Earth Healing
ceremonies in and on the land of The Forbidden City in Beijing, China
in September 2006.
Agneta will cover the basis of Earth Healing and its use in the Forbidden
City, The Great Wall and some other locations, as examples of how this
work can be performed and the effects it might give on the land and
on you being an Earth Healer/Space Clearing Practitioners.
Agnetas speech may give you some understanding in, why does Feng Shui
work so well at some times and not at all at other. She will definitely
give you a clue to where she thinks the practise of Feng Shui can go
About Agneta Nyholm Winqvist
Agneta Nyholm Winqvist, (Sweden) founder of Nordic school of Feng
Shui, is a well known and highly appreciated speaker, teacher, coach
and author within the areas of Feng Shui, Space Clearing and Earth
healing. Agneta has a background within psychology, health care and
personal development.
She has studied with several Feng Shui teachers
for almost ten years and is a certified Space Clearing Practitioner
by Christan Hummel, Earthtransitions US. She has written and published
several Feng Shui books which have sold more than 100.000 copies. She
is also a member of the architect Christopher Alexander community and
teaches his work "the nature of order".