Karen Rauch Carter

Energy-Shifting Tips and Techniques for Client Breakthroughs

Karen Rauch CarterSometimes a simple "chi-shifting" exercise can go a long way to kick start a consultation that includes either a self-sabotaging client, or one that feels hopeless, or hopelessly unclear on how to manifest their dreams. This seminar demonstrates time-tested techniques that help dig people out of their own resistance and self-stuck-ness.

Parts of this session will be experiential, where participants will learn and feel the energy shift first-hand. Come with a dream that has eluded you personally (however big or small) and experience the shift for yourself. Then, you will be able to confidently add these tips and techniques to your feng shui repertoire.

Remove the 7 Secret Blocks Holding You Back from Ultimate Personal and Professional Success Using Feng Shui

Unleash your full potential in your professional feng shui practice. Whether you are just beginning your professional work or want to invite a new energy into your current practice, Karen's offerings are sure to inspire you to think outside the box with regard to your consulting business.

About Karen Rauch Carter

Karen Rauch Carter is the author of the national best-selling feng shui book, Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life (Simon & Schuster, 2000). Karen is an international speaker, the feng shui guru for various web sites including ClubMom.com and iVillage.com, and a landscape architect who had her own design firm for over seventeen years.

Move Your Stuff is the feng shui fix-all book packed with practical exercises, clear illustrations, fun-to-read anecdotes, and life-changing advice that makes creating ideal personal space simple and meaningful. It has been reviewed as the most accessible feng shui book on the market.

Ms. Carter's background as a landscape architect makes her feng shui advice not only meet the sound principles of good feng shui but good design as well. She provides lectures and consultations to individuals and corporations worldwide. Karen has helped create the ideal settings for doctors, lawyers, architects, real estate agents, stock brokers, horse trainers, moms, movie directors, theme park designers, and more.

Karen has spoken at national conventions of all types, and has been featured at popular events that include the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books and the Los Angeles Times Festival of Health. She has also spoken at many international venues including the Learning Annex's Real Estate and Wealth Expo along side such experts as Tony Robbins and Donald Trump. She is also frequently featured as a popular guest on radio and television programs.

Karen founded Feng Shui Palace, where feng shui information and products are available to assist those seeking to improve their lives. Her web site www.fengshuipalace.com is the go-to place to find out the latest on how to create living and work environments that consistently support life, love, respect, health, and wealth.

Karen lives in Southern California with her husband Steve and her son Cole.