Michael Rice
The subject of Sacred Geometry springs to life in the hands of Michael Rice, and his teachings leave you in awe of our magnificent Universe. As an architect, Michael takes an holistic approach to design, based on the understanding that everything is not only connected but alive and conscious. He believes every thought, word and action has an affect on the whole, as with the principle of creating holograms. According to Michael, design provides us with opportunities to construct our own unique holograms that fall in harmony with all of Creation.
As well as establishing his own environmentally sensitive design practice, Michael has spent the past 18 years studying Feng Shui, Sacred Geometry, Space Clearing, Divining, Martial Arts and Natural Healing. He teaches throughout Ireland, Europe and America and aims to pass on his breathtaking knowledge to be used for design purposes and for personal and global spiritual growth. Visit: www.holisticarchitecture.com.