
Jean Haner

Jean Haner is the founder of Clear Home, Clear Heart, and has worked in the field of subtle energy for 30 years. A natural intuitive empath, she is able to physically feel and work with the energy of an environment or a person.

Jean received advanced training in space clearing techniques of many cultures, including Chinese, Balinese, Celtic and aboriginal, and over the years has refined clearing to a simple and elegant method that is grounded in love.

She is well known as a warm and effective teacher, and her workshops are filled with practical, meaningful information that you can put to immediate use in your life.

Jean's focus is on supporting the growing awareness of how we don't end at our skin, and building a community of like minds who support each other in their commitment to a more conscious path, one that is based on open-hearted compassion.  www.clearhomeclearheart.com